Effects of breed and rearing systems on the performance and egg quality characteristic of three commercial layers
Breed, deep liter, Egg quality traits, Rearing systemsAbstract
This study was designed to evaluate the effect of breed and different rearing systems on the performance and some egg quality characteristics of 3 commercial laying chickens in an 18-week trial. A total of three hundred and sixty 12-week-in-lay commercial laying hens of three different breeds; Bovan Nera (BN) Dominant Black (DB) and Harco Black (HB) were used with each of the breed divided into two batches. Each batch of a breed was randomly assigned to either cage or deep litter in a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement in completely randomized design (CRD). Feed intake, weight gain, feed conversion ratio (FCR) and hen day production were determined on weekly basis. Thirty (30), eggs per rearing systems per week were analyzed for determination of internal and external egg parameters using the standard procedure. Out of the three breeds examined, Dominant had the highest yolk weight, shell weight, shell thickness+membrane and HU. No significant (p > 0.05) difference was recorded in the systems of rearing except for HU which had the highest mean value (90.58+0.46) observed in the eggs from the cage. Breeds were observed to be different in egg qualities with DB having best quality yolk weight, shell weight shell thickness + membrane, HU, Yolk height and albumin height of egg and FCR among the three, BN produced the heaviest eggs while HB was the highest producer of eggs. Dominant breed reared in the cage had the best result.