Characterisation and needs assessment of rabbit production in Southern Kwara, Nigeria
Rabbit keeping, Needs assessment, Southern KwaraAbstract
This study was conducted to characterise and report needs assessment of rabbit production for its improvement in southern part of Kwara in North Central Nigeria. The experimental procedures used include: field surveys, personal interviews and administration of structured questionnaires. In all, seventy-one rabbit keepers and consumers were identified across ten communities in three Local Government Areas in the study area. The questionnaire was designed to collect data on socio-economic characteristics of the respondents, awareness, management practices, production objectives, breed choice and trait preferences. Others are: keepers’ rabbit mating and selection practices and available market structure with the view to assess the needs of the rabbit keepers in the study area. The results showed that, rabbit keeping cut across all educational levels with 47 % presently or had completed tertiary education. It is a secondary occupation with the primary occupation cutting across all walks of live. The household numbers ranged between 1 and 5 indicating small family sizes which is an indication of family labour. Forty-eight percent of the respondents keep their rabbit under intensive system while 72% offer non-conventional feedstuffs (forage, grass, legumes and kitchen wastes). Family consumption and sales are two major production objectives as indicated by 93% of the respondents. There is a high level of awareness of rabbit production and readiness to consume rabbit (99% of the sampled population) but a low number of actual producers. Production challenges identified include lack of forage in the dry season, troubles of daily cleaning of the hutches, unavailability of rabbit feed and lack of sustainable support from government, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and religious organizations. The needs assessment from this study further revealed that, most keepers lack adequate knowledge about rabbit keeping and the present market situation is not satisfactory. Moreso, there is no organized marketing strategy for rabbit meat and products. It was concluded that, the development of rabbit project for this area will go a long way in making positive impact on the livelihood of the rabbit keepers. The development and introduction of white furred meat type preferably New Zealand White rabbit will be acceptable. An intervention in form of rabbit project development from government, non-governmental organizations and religious groups for capacity development of these rabbit keepers is suggested.